09 October 2014

Understanding Big Content Marketing Mistakes Often Committed

Understanding Big Content Marketing Mistakes Often Committed
By Joy


In 2014, the use of the Internet has grown up significantly, speeding up the implementation of successful content marketing strategies by the website owners to endorse their business brands online. Undoubtedly, content has become king of website promotion process because it is the key tool for generating interest among the users to remain on your website and to know about your offered services and products. If you want your website to rank well among the top pages of popular search engines, then you must have to adopt strong and valuable content strategies to compete in this highly cutthroat marketplace.

Content marketing has fundamentally altered the way companies utilize their website, blog, and social accounts. The concentration has shifted from a self-centric approach to sharing useful information and developing long term relationships. But some old practices are not so easy to leave that causes many companies to commit big mistakes.

To help you get out of this problem so that you could execute the content strategies effectively on your website for better traffic and enhanced sales, I am listing the 9 most common content marketing mistakes committed by us. We will also scrutinize how to avoid these mistakes to ensure enhance leads and conversion rates through the site.

Absence of Customer Centricity

The success of both online and offline businesses depends on how much you are able to satisfy your customers with your services. Therefore, it is very necessary to highlight the needs to recognize, anticipate and satisfy the customer requirements if you really want to get higher productivity through your website. If you are not focused towards your customer’s need and there is absence of customer Centricity policy in your services, then your business revenue will definitely suffer. Listening to your customer’s talks and pains through formal or informal meeting is an indispensable requirement part of a proficient content strategy.

It does not matter if your website has high quality content, but catering your services according to your customer’s need is the best way of increasing leads and sales through your online business.

Quantity vs. Quality

Google search engine algorithm Panda or Penguin update cannot affect the ranking of your website if it has high quality content because it is “Quality’ only that matter the most and if you execute quality of your services then you are meant to gain uninterrupted success in your business. A single piece of low quality content has the potential of damaging your complete content strategy. Use editorial calendar for planning and creating objective focused content because lack of content quality can affect your website traffic while quality content make sure that to retain as well return the users to know more about your services. Focusing on quality of content instead of quantity of content will surely drive better traffic and leads to your website.

Writing Content with No Sharing Intention

Do not write content by completely ignoring the need to share it over popular social platforms because sharing is the best way to get your services and products known among the internet users. Ensure that all content on your website are written with an objective to share. The effective sharing of your content is guaranteed by integrating social sharing icons on all your web pages.


Unsure About Your Content Purpose

This is often one of the blunders committed by website owners that results in low traffic and lesser productivity. While writing content requires quality to gain better user engagement, the purpose of the content should also be clear to the readers about why you are in this business and how effectively you are doing content marketing? Every single piece of content written for your website has an obvious reason of its existence, which includes blogs, articles, podcasts, videos, as well as the content shared through social platforms.

Reaching Your Audience

A high quality and great content is not so effective if it is not reaching the audience. For strategic planning of content marketing, ensure to perform a thorough research to explore what are your audience levels and their needs. After all, marketing is all about finding and reaching the right customers, at the right time in the right place.

After a profound interpretation of your audience and their requirements, you can create user engaging and creative content for your website, which eventually drives more leads to your website.

Repurpose Your Content

It is not necessary that once you have written a piece of content over a certain topic, you cannot write it again. Instead a piece of content can be used repeatedly. Try to prepare a goof  leadership piece for every single survey question. You can also create a variety of tweets for a piece of content or blog post. Meanwhile, you can also promote your content over several platforms. Whatever content, format your are opting to write, ensure to stick with its objectives which ranges from lead creation to lead nurturing.

Creating Monotonous Content

Sometimes we get stuck with monotonous content, writing style, but not everyone wants to read the same type of content repetitively. It affects the user interest towards reading your content that will impact your website traffic significantly. There must be a balance between the types of content you are writing for your users since people like to consume information in various ways. Some users prefer reading texts while others prefer visual. Some users have enough time while some don’t have and hence it is necessary that you adopt different styles for providing information on your website to get better user engagement.

Trying to Create Content That’s Too Perfect

Often content marketers engage themselves in creating and editing high quality content that is fit from all reader’s point of view and they set the bar so high that all other rivals involved in content marketing are afraid to create anything less than just right.

However, perfection is not what triumphs the content marketing game. Your content might be perfect for everyone, but it should be informative and valued from your customers’ prospects as well. It clearly means that you don’t require winning a prize with every piece of your content published on your site, but following an intelligent policy of publishing valuable content will indisputably bring tremendous leads to your website.

Content That Is Not Measured

Every business has goals and some of them are sketched in your mission while others are sketched in your performance goals. Does it make true sense that you must have your content strategies aligned with these goals? After all, it is the goals only that you always try to achieve for both long term and short term business’s success.

Understanding what success looks like is important for improving your content marketing strategy. It means that you must track and measure every part of your success journey to evaluate what role does content plays? What metrics will you select for measurement completely depends on what you are trying to measure? Your measure depends on what you are struggling to achieve.


Good content marketing is a continuing process and not a one-time investment. There are many mistakes that often committed when it comes to effective content marketing. Some of these mistakes might be minor while some may be major. Having a clear understanding of these mistakes will help you in avoiding traffic dwindling on your website, but an effective and comprehensive content strategy is a must for achieving compelling results. It is better to spend our time in compiling a successful content strategy rather than doing research because quality content develops by hard work, ensuring long-term engagement and developing brand reliability within your customer database.

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