Panda 4.1 Update – Digital Marketing Agency – TIS India Blog Fri, 27 Dec 2019 09:17:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Panda 4.1 Update Is Sneaking Out Through Google Soon Fri, 26 Sep 2014 05:03:53 +0000 Google is getting geared to roll out the latest Panda Update, known as Panda 4.1. This update is 27th Panda update ever since Google has launched its algorithmic update by the name of Panda. As per the sources suggest, this new update has a filter, which is specifically designed for penalizing poor or low quality content and barring it from getting higher ranks in search results.

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Google is getting geared to roll out the latest Panda Update, known as Panda 4.1. This update is 27th Panda update ever since Google has launched its algorithmic update by the name of Panda. As per the sources suggest, this new update has a filter, which is specifically designed for penalizing poor or low quality content and barring it from getting higher ranks in search results.

Google has also revealed in a Google+ post that a slow roll out of this new Panda 4.1 update will begin during this week only and it will continue till next week until it is completed. However, Google has further added that this new update will affect 3% to 5% search queries depending on their locations.

When asked for anything different, Google divulges that this update will be very precise and it will help the high quality small to medium sized websites to rank better in search results. Google’s statement related to this new update says,

Based on user and webmaster feedback, we have been able to discover a few more signals to help Panda identify low quality content more conveniently. This results in a better diversity of high quality small and medium sized sites rank higher, which is nice”.

Panda 4.1 Might Bring Benefits to some, Penalty to Others

Does your site get affected by Panda update earlier? Have you made changes according to the Panda update guidelines on your website? If your reply is yes,  this new update will bring loads of benefits to you. Your website’s chances of getting higher ranking in search results will boost significantly. However, those you have new websites and are not affected by the previous Panda update might keep their finger crossed, as this new update might affect their site’s ranking.

So, if you own a new website and experience a sudden drop in your site’s ranking from this week onwards, then this new Panda update will be solely responsible for this. So, its better to become prepared and get your site tuned up as per this update guideline.

Why to Call 4.1 Update?

Why this new Panda update is given number “4.1”? It is just because the previous Panda update released by Google was called as “4.0”and it was a major update. Hence, we went with the old fashioned numbering system unless it becomes absurd again. We number the updates in a sequential manner because it is very imprecise to remember which Panda update was major or which one was minor.

Since, this new update is rolled out four months after the previous Panda 4.0 update and we can assume that this is a new quarterly cycle, which we are going through. In 2012, Panda has received updates in almost every month, but in 2013 no update for Panda rolled out at all. This time, it is better to hope some good outcomes from this update.

The post Panda 4.1 Update Is Sneaking Out Through Google Soon appeared first on Digital Marketing Agency - TIS India Blog.
