Quality content has become a popular term in the past few years ever since Google has announced its search engine algorithm updates, Panda and Penguin. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) experts have often been told to take care of the content quality to ensure higher ranking of their websites in search results. But what does this quality content actually means?
In simple definition, “Quality content includes fresh, relevant and creative textual information about some products, services and or about an organization itself, which is capable of attracting audience, thereby enhancing the traffic on your website”. A unique and freshly written content improves the chances of a website to attain higher ranks in search queries. But the most important question that always strikes in the mind of internet marketing professionals is that, are there some metrics for measuring the quality of content? Or we simply have to keep on writing quality content, just like the given figure predicts:
Instead of simply giving our authors with the guidelines of writing quality content, it is better to take an in-depth overview of how we can ensure traffic on our respective websites while writing quality content.
Recently Google has launched Panda 4.1 Update, which has also impacted the ranking of a number of websites in search results. The impact was positive for some websites, while it was negative for some websites. Why is it so? Are there some metrics, which help us in quantifying the quality of content on those websites, which have been positively impacted by the Panda 4.1 update? In my opinion, it is better to do some manual research to understand the basic behind the importance of quality content in this post Panda 4.1 era.
The winner list of Panda 4 update was released by Searchmetrics, which consists of the websites that have an amazing search visibility of 10,000 and their visibility have touched a remarkable figure of 250% with this update.
The search is conducted not only keeping in mind the quantity of content on the winner sites but the opportunities were also explored that allows better user interaction over these websites to their target audience, since Panda 4 gives importance to better user engagement experience.
Do you think that it is simply wastage of time in putting extra efforts for analyzing the winning websites of Panda 4 update? You might be thinking so, as we have some many metrics available over internet, which help in examining the needs required for achieving better ranks in search results? But, I don’t think that certain metrics can help us revealing true figures. This is the reason why I am going to explain the concept behind checking the quality of content by using the data presented by the anti-metric survey of Panda 4.
Before that, I am going to cite a few Google Panda 4 update recovery tips for the websites, which have suffered from this algorithmic update.
While the above mentioned helps in minimizing the adverse impact of Panda 4 update on your website, but these are not the keys to guaranteeing success in this internet-driven market place. Panda 4 update is known for spamming all websites, which have poor quality content. So, it is indispensable for use to perform the survey over what does this quality content truly means? The analysis conducted over the winning websites of Panda 4 reveals some striking secrets behind their success, which I am going to list down here:
Besides, all these winning websites have used granular indexing feature that provides them the versatility of making their content easily available to the users in various ways. This helps in adding significant value to their content.
Does anti-metric survey successfully reveals the secrets of quality content? I am really not sure if it has revealed the basic fundamental information required to understand the concept of quality content in view of Panda 4 update, but from this survey, all the winning websites have emerged as the true winners because they all are individually capable of qualifying the essential objectives, which are necessary for improving their ranking in search results even after the release of Panda 4 update.
These websites not only offers rich, qualitative, quantitative, entertaining, varied, and interesting information to the users, but their target audiences have the advantage of doing a lot of things other than just reading the content on their websites.
This anti-metric survey has unleashed the real meaning of quality content and also discloses the steps required for achieving success through Google Panda update. It also shows the common factors between each of the winning websites, which have helped them in emerging as the factual frontrunners among their competitors. These common factors are:
Before summarizing, it is important to take a look at the Google’s advice for ‘Quality Content’. According to Google, build a website that gives real value to your target audience and integrate your links to other significant websites. Rather than partaking in link-exchange programs, it is better for the links back to develop organically for your website. If Google’s algorithm evaluates the connection of links between your website and other websites and understands that you are part of a scheme to unnaturally create back links, your website will probably be reprimanded in the search rankings.
Overall, if you really want to save your website from getting penalized by Google’s current as well as upcoming updates, it is important for you to think and search manually and not by simply relying on metrics and numbers. If you are successful in utilizing practical insights gained by putting your manual efforts, you will certainly get success and relevance for your website.
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